How the American People
Have Lost Sovereignty Part Three
This is the final article in the series
on how the sovereignty of the American people has been stripped from them. In the first article I discussed how the
Supreme Court has altered the original intent of the Founding Fathers by
changing corporations from Charters, which can be undone by the government, to
beings superiour to people. In the
second article I discussed how the creation of the Federal Reserve was both
unconstitutional (and this has never been dealt with) and stripped the
government of the ability to regulate money.
The result has been a decimation of the value of the American
dollar. In this final article I will
discuss how the National Security Agency (NSA) has usurped the power to deal
with foreign nations, and often has an agenda that is at odds with the elected
government, as well as how NSA activities have been in violation of the
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistle-blower
who was forced into exile in Russia, continues to release bombshells, the likes
of which have been devastating to the confidence of the American people. It has become painfully clear to even the
most Patriotic American that their government has been lying to them and blatantly
ignoring the Constitution, which limits the powers of government. The NSA routinely monitors phone calls and
online traffic, without warrants, and it does so throughout the world. The NSA has no official place in the
Constitution; it was created in 1952, when many other changes were made to
American society that went against the Constitution (adding In God We Trust to
the currency in ’56, and adding Under God to the pledge of allegiance in ’54). As such, the NSA should be merely an arm of
the security apparatus, but the reality is that the NSA operates independently,
with no true oversight.
As such the NSA has its own agenda, and
there is nothing that says that their agenda must coincide with the elected governments’
agenda. In fact, the Snowden files show
that, quite frequently, the NSA decides that the elected government has taken
an incorrect position, and take actions to counter-act what the elected
government is doing. While this does not
clearly strip sovereignty from the people, since the NSA is not in control, but
sometimes works against the government, it does severely limit it.
When a foreign leader learns that the
NSA has been reading their personal email, it causes a rift between that nation
and the USA. When a foreign corporation
learns that the NSA has been reading their private business correspondence they
must wonder if that is the reason why they lost that last bid to an American
company. The rift grows wider. Sometimes this is just blowback (unintended
consequences) from activities that the government would sanction, but others
are purposeful in their attempt to create a rift. The word treason is thrown around a little
too casually, but it is clear that the NSA has absolutely engaged in treason
every single time it decided to work against the policies of the elected
government. Part of the problem is that
the Patriot Act gave the NSA carte blanche.
The consequences of what the NSA has
been caught doing are still ongoing, but they are devastating to the USA. It is estimated that the cost of the NSA
scandal to American private companies will be in the billions. Foreign customers might decide to do business
with other nations, and some might not trust the products that they receive
from the USA. You never know who is allowing the NSA to do
their surveillance, tacitly endorsing that activity by turning a blind
The Guardian discusses how Australia is
reacting to the scandal. Their formerly
warm attitude towards the USA has chilled a great deal. They, legitimately, are finding it difficult
to trust the Americans. If they are
spying on all Australians, are they stealing industrial secrets? Are they providing American companies with
strategic information gathered by the NSA? Google actually considered moving its
operations outside of the USA, but ultimately decided it was not worth it. Let’s face it, the NSA is spying on the whole
world, so just moving offshore won’t make you safe.
Europe is seriously displeased, and are
considering options on how to deal with the NSA spying. One option on the table is to deny the USA
from global financial data, which is gathered by a Belgian company called
Swift. At the very least the USA can expect data
protection to be part of the trade deal talks with Europe.
The NSA has become a shadow government,
unaccountable to the elected government, independent in action, and at times
working against the stated policies of the elected government (aka representatives
of the people). Private American
businesses will lose revenue because of the revelations, but the sovereignty
was lost the moment the NSA was allowed to operate independently. Organizations such as the NSA attract certain
people, and certain other people are excluded from even being considered by
those already entrenched. In other
words, the NSA represents a tiny sliver of the American population, and should
be kept under tight scrutiny. The very
nature of such an organization works at odds with the idea of a free and open